
Operational Excellence

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ROB Part 1: Establishing a strong rhythm of business is your shortcut to operational excellence

Talk about operational excellence seems to be everywhere. The concept shows up frequently from ambitious goals in OKRs to quick LinkedIn posts. It’s so prevalent in talks about transformation and growth, that the meaning has been diluted and abstracted — so much so, that it’s difficult to develop specific plans to reach operational excellence. Never…

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ROB Part 2: Get your house in order by implementing your rhythm of business

The first step of developing a strong internal rhythm of business (ROB) is by documenting your current landscape. We took a look at how to do this in ROB Part 1: Establishing a strong rhythm of business is your shortcut to operational excellence. But after you’ve documented the state of your current ROB, you’ll move…

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ROB Part 3: Use your rhythm of business to refine & align OKRs

We’ve documented our current ROB and started getting our house in order by implementing new rhythms. So what steps are left in the phased plan that allow you to reach your operational excellence goals? Refine & align OKRs In order to drive your new ROB, your entire team needs to understand their roles and how…

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Maturing your unicorn startup through operational excellence

We all know what it feels like when things are running according to plan. Operational excellence is the key to efficiency, productivity and overall performance within an organization and leads to better employee wellbeing, increased profitability, and a more competitive position in the market. The easiest place to start is examining your rhythm of business…

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Time is your most precious resource, use it wisely

Is it really a new year if you’re still using the same stale calendar? Many of us have operational excellence as a resolution. At the heart of those efforts is how we manage and value our time. That said, it can be difficult to figure out where to begin. One of the quickest wins is…

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